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Click on the link on the programs page for the certification you wish to take: Level 1, Level 2 (pre-requisite Level 1) Slalom, Skate Park, or online. That will take you to the registration page.
Fill out the interest form and that will allow you to let us know you want one in your area. We will look into that possibility. For most locations we need just 6 people, and as long as we have about 2 months to advertise, we can usually fill it up. A great option, if we cannot come to you is to do the online certification.
Our certifications are full-on programs and include 18 hours of mostly hands-on (skates-on) training. Following through and passing the program not only makes you a professional skate instructor, but includes a full membership with SkateIA for the year ($120 value).
Most instructors easily make back the cost of their cert after teaching just a few lessons. Others find value in the pro deals offered to instructors which apply to skating and non-skating gear.
This is the most often asked question and I think it’s key that you understand when teaching beginners that you want them safe and to feel safe. Safety is the number one apprehension for potential skaters to start. You want to MODEL the goals you set for them. Plus you are on your knees teaching them how to fall, so the gear helps out there.
In order to teach stopping you need to be able to demonstrate it well and easily. Inline stopping is harder than quad stopping, so it’s key you know how to do it. Stopping and safety are the most important items to teach to newish skaters.
Our insurance requires you to wear, at a minimum, wrist guards and a helmet. It allows the insurance company to limit their risk and insure us. Our membership guidelines, require you to be in helmet and wrist guards when teaching, whether or not you are insured by us.
About the minimum cost of answering a law suit if a student files one against you, is about $10,000.00 The insurance company has a promise to answer any litigation and save you that up front cost.
The insurance company requires you to have a waiver on file for each student. Not producing one if your student gets injured could null any response an insurance company is required to make on your behalf. Get a waiver (and you can do lifetime waivers, and/or online waivers, but you must use our language which we have on file for you in the Membership Portal.
The skills requirements are each listed separately. We suggest you should be at least an intermediate skater who can easily skate forwards, backwards, do parallel turns, crossovers and transitions. For Level 1 the skills are taught at the course, and you can pick them up fairly easily if you are good skater. However, Level 2, Skate Park and Slalom all require you to show up with the listed skills.
We require you to pass at 85% in each category: Written, skills, teaching. If you do not pass in any area, you have 6 months to improve in the specified area, and send in your skills or teaching via video. Your Examiner will clearly state what you need to work on.
No, you only need to get to certified once and maintain your membership annually to be a member in good standing. And, you can re-attend a certification anytime to REFRESH your skills, for FREE. So if you took Level 1 online, you can attend all or part of a Level 1 in-person as a method of leveling up your skills. (We promise that you will have missed a lot of the cert and the refresh is a great way to go back and catch those nuggets of learning you missed).
We don’t offer refunds on any of our classes or programs, but you may have up to two years to take it at another location, or online if offered. If you signed up online, you can transfer it to an in person program in most cases.
It is about 6 hours online initially, then 3 or 4 90 minute teaching classes on Zoom and then your testing is done via written online exam, and you film your skills and your teaching. Most complete it all in month.
YES! There is a 2.5 hour zoom session usually a couple of days before the inperson certification. Then there are 2 full days of in skates learning. Typically 9am to 5pm for two straight days. The most common sessions: Thursday night zoom from 6pm to 8:30 AND Sat & Sun in person 9am to 5pm.
All candidates must be registered and paid at least two weeks prior to the certification. If an Examiner is traveling to a location via flights, one month of lead time is required so that flights and housing can be arranged.